Close up photo of blonde girl with large black hat

Most people don’t like having their portraits taken

If you feel this way, you are alone! It’s like hmmm, had you rather go to the dentist or have your photo taken? haha! As a professional photographer of almost 11 years now, I am here to reassure you that you are not alone. But it is MY job to make you feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera so you walk away with your images reflecting it as well. I want your images to reflect confidence, beauty, strength, all those things that are deep inside you just waiting to be seen.

Janet was no different! She came in for her Women Over 40 session nervous, she even brought wine in with her to enjoy while getting her professional hair and makeup done. We started slow, showing the back of the camera as we went along so she could SEE how amazing she looked. We got some amazing images! One of my favorites is the one she chose to put in her area where she puts her makeup on everyday. She wants to remind herself that she is beautiful and worthy of the good things in life. Love that.

You can learn more about the Women Over 40 Revolution here! I’d love to have you join us!

Before and After