Contest Winner! – Sharing the love

It’s time to announce the winner of my give away!!  The gift of giving is one of the most important things in life to me.  Just the gift of something small can be of such huge value to others.  I believe that giving is just as much a blessing to the giver as to the receiver.

The winner of the mini session is a giver of care, giver of prayer, giver of his time, giver of support, giver of love.  The winner is BRYAN WOLFE!

What  started as a precautionary trip to their pediatrician’s office for some recurring low grade fevers their son was having, led them to a diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Within 36 hrs, they were on the road to St Jude Hospital in Memphis, TN, and are now trying to battle this disease.  Please keep them in your prayers.  You can see his journey at

Thank you to all who participated in my giveaway over at .  It was so nice to see the love people felt when someone nominated them to win this contest.  That was the point of the whole event.  To share love, to let others know they ARE special, that they ARE loved.  So many times we don’t slow down enough in life to do that.  I too am guilty of the same thing.

Merry Christmas everyone!  And Congrats to you Bryan Wolfe!

Karen Stauffer – Karen Stauffer Photography (


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Team Cael



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